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Public Theology Symposium

January 7, 2023 Seeking Shalom (Peace)

The symposium seeks to inspire Christians and church leaders to rediscover their vision and mission, with a focus not only on their obligation in pursuing shalom and the common good for the society in which God places us, but also on fostering dialogue concerning public issues and within the community.

March 1, 2024 Bridging the Chasm: Christians and Political Engagement

The symposium featured experts who addressed key topics, including the development of a Christian worldview on political engagement, the challenges posed by social media, and the need for innovative biblical training in both church and seminary settings. The discussions also focused on how Christians should engage with the world, live out their faith, apply biblical teachings, and discern societal needs. Furthermore, the symposium explored ways in which believers can navigate political differences while upholding a commitment to justice and compassion.


Public Theology Seminars

February 11, 2023 How Christians Respond to Crisis

In response to the mass shooting in Monterey Park, CA on January 21, 2023, CESNA immediately organized this seminar to help believers respond to sudden crises such as the shooting. The seminar explored the responses from four aspects: theology, spiritual emotion, pastoral care, and counseling. It provides Christians and church leaders assistance to deal with the emotional and spiritual traumas in life. 


Academic Program 

The Master of Arts in Professional Ministries Theology (MPM) is a newly accredited, 55-credit, fully online program designed to bring theology into the workplace. The program gives students a solid biblical foundation and integrates public theology, theology of work, and spiritual character formation to minister all that they learn to the workplace.



  1. Upcoming Events

    1. BiVocational Mission - Work as Mission. Dr. Agnes Chiu,  workshop speaker. Christian Mission Convention Global 2024 , December 27, 2024, Baltimore, Maryland.

    2. Pentateuch, Poverty, and Global Economics. Dr. Agnes Chiu, Working Group Presentation. Global Network of Public Theology Triannual Conference, September 8-11, 2025, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.

  2. Past Events

    1.  June 17-20,  2024 Association of Theological Schools Conference. Dr. Agnes Chiu served as a panel speaker at the conference discussing the MPM program of CESNA.  

    2. 6/21/2024 4th WAMSA (Work as Mission Strategic Alliance) conference: Agnes Chiu served as a panel speaker.  “職場即工場,本地到全地” 

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